Dear friends and colleagues
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the opening of the exhibition
We can stay here while we wait
Voices in the Anthropocene
Friday the 11th of August 17-20
Kalkværksvej 7
Aarhus, Denmark
In order to reflect upon the changing nature of our planet, as well as the relationship of our species to itself and its surroundings, the Independent AIR would like to invite you to think about the Anthropocene as a pulsating and kaleidoscopic construct- one deeply immersed in history, politics and philosophy.
Four international artists were united for 6 months at The Independent AIRs residency in Portugal, during which they researched and explored the Anthropocene in its different manifestations.
The residency has resulted in an ambitious programme to be launched in Aarhus (Denmark) beginning on the 11th of August 2017, consisting of a group exhibition, an anthology, artist talks as well as poetry readings, sonic interventions and lectures.