Sustainability during the Full Moon Útesita Project
By recognizing and sensing our entanglement with nature and the more than human world, we also understand the need to act sustainably in order to take care of life as such. Therefore, we try to be aware of how we act and to make as little impact on the environment as possible.
This project has mainly been online meetings and presentations, individual travels shorter distances to the participants chosen places and production, uploading, and streaming of the collected digital material. We are therefore calculating our energy use and local transportation in order to compensate for the CO2-emission and impact on the environment.
We will post our results and chosen compensation as soon as they are ready.
The participants sustainable ideas and actions during the project:
SLR camera used was bought second hand and the laptop was borrowed for the use for this workshop.
This weekend I will plant two 4 year old Birch trees at my cottage. Further this summer I plan to plant more trees